Sunday, August 17, 2014


Andrea Valle

-jhl          ----President Obama was in the state of Ohio talking about the healthcare plan,when suddenly a person        from the audience shouted, "We need courage!".His response was that he indeed agreed and that's the            key in which the whole country needs to take in consideration and help one another.The healthcare plan    was an obstacle for the country and its political parties.The republicans and democrats could not come      to an agreement due to its advantages and disadvantages.President Obama wanted to reassure that he          was going to make the healthcare plan at all means and to have courage because everyone is in this all          together.
----         ----In "Profiles and Courage",John F. Kennedy shares the same idea as President Obama because in their     observation both of the political parties don't seem to come to an agreement.Instead of working together   as a team the problems are not being solved and left without an answer.The U.S. citizens seem to not like     what the parties are doing and some wish to not want to be engaged in any politics.Both of these                     presidents take in consideration of how people feel as well and want for both the people and government     to be well benefited.In the end the votes of the republicans and democrats determine the final decision.       ----The article demonstrates that the speaker is President Obama and the audience are the people                   who are in need of the healthcare plan.Meanwhile,in the book the speaker is John F. Kennedy and the           audience is the U.S. citizens.Throughout the article Obama showed ethos by saying, "Did you hear what       somebody just said? That's what we need. That's why I came here today. We need courage.", the tone in       which he talked to the audience made the people feel trust. He then used pathos by saying,"It's about             about a woman who's lying on a hospital bed who just wants to be able to pay for the care she                           needs."An example in which the audience can feel touched by a case of a person that is need for this               healthcare plan that is not given out yet and is seeking for help of this program. Then he used logos by         saying, "And the truth is, what's at stake in this debate, it's not just our ability to solve this problem; it's         about our ability to solve any problem,"Obama was trying to reason with the audience that he along             with the government are willing to approve the healthcare plan.
                  ----I would take President Kennedy's side because he more than anyone shows how everyone inside             the government works.The author from article has an idea of how it works but does not have the                   sufficient evidence to prove what goes on.He does not simply base on problems with the government but   as well as its own citizens.The problem is that the people are not cooperating with any politics due to its     conflicts between the two parties.He wants the citizens to comprehend that the people in the government   have to make difficult decisions and it is not easy to be there.

  Geiger, Kim, and Michael Muskal. "Obama Calls for Action on Healthcare: 'We Need Courage'" Los           Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 16 Mar. 2010. Web. 14 Aug. 2014

   ----The Congress of the United States has been divided itself into small groups.Both of the republicans and    democrats have been objecting to each proposition that was made because they want to make each others    parties look bad to its U.S citizens.Some want to help the country become better and others want to              worsen it.The costs of each party's choices have made its citizens mad for not being able to help.Beyond      that the government has been helping at all by not putting an end to its government separation.
             ----Based on the book and article, they seem to come to an agreement of how dis-functional the                 government is and that nothing can be solved unless they stop horse playing and start to get to work like       they are supposed to do.No one seems to look at the decisions the government makes are not that easy,       there are its advantages and disadvantages.In there you don't know in who to trust because at first they         make look like your friend but they are actually there to destroy you.Its supposed to be a united                   government in which they seek to help the country to function better.A way that we look De-United States   and prove around the world that we are not united but everyone goes their own way.
            ----The article demonstrates that the speaker is the author Erin Banco and the audience is its U.S.                 citizens.Meanwhile,in the book the speaker is John F. Kennedy and the  audience is the U.S. citizens.Erin     Banco used ethos by saying,"It also argues that the divide between the parties has created an                             environment that does not allow Congress to operate in a routine manner..",It is a way to connect with its   audience to show that this is a matter of discussion that needs to be solved.He uses pathos by saying,"It       also argues that the divide between the parties has created an environment that does not allow Congress     to operate in a routine manner.."He shows in this sentence that how it is sad of how this country is not  united but divided.After that he used logos by saying,"The spending data also revealed that in the  House,the average spending for a Democratic member was about $1 million and $1.3 for a  Republican."These are facts that prove his statement as his evidence.
              ----I would join the author from the article because it is so true, the government is not as united as it was before and is always dis-functional.He then was speaking about how its a never ending problem without an ending solution.By adding then some details about how the diversity is in the congress, it may be race and even gender.It also demonstrates how some senators got the position in which they are now,some were veterans,others who got their degree in law and the last ones who got their seat with money.Based on the congress influences to this country is the way they are shaping its own citizens and its own country.
             Branco, Erin. "Report Says Congress Is More Diverse and More Divided." The Caucus Report Says Congress Is More Diverse and More Divided Comments. N.p., 9 July 2013. Web. 16 Aug. 2014.

         ----This November coming up,there is going to be elections to become part of the senate.There has been an investigation of how the electoral polls for the senate have been similar to the presidential polls and also the influence of the people.To receive some votes they have to first listen to the people in order to even win.It gets hectic in these types of situations because they are doing campaigns and trying to win votes mostly.Being part of the senate is starting to look like a race now rather than doing good to the people and its country.The polls are apparently more predictable than they were back then due to the public opinion and the movement each one of the people who are having a campaign.
          ----There is an agreement between the article and the book,because the congress is like a game for them to see who wins and who loses.But in the end, the public opinion will fight until they complete the promises they made to the U.S. citizens.Depending on the public opinion,the people can keep them inside the congress or out by their precious vote.John F. Kennedy even says it many times that being inside the congress is not that easy and it is rather tough.Sometimes the best decisions are not being made but are a step into making things better or worse.
          ----The speakers in the article is Nate Cohn and Josh Katz and the audience would be any U.S. citizen who is going to vote.In the book the speaker is John F. Kennedy and the audience are its U.S. citizens.The speakers showed ethos by saying,"We won't know how accurate polling is until after the election,so for now,the very relevant question is,How much should we care about early polls?"It creates an engagement to its own audience to listen before voting.After that they use pathos by saying,"Political scientists theorize that the campaigns draw voters toward the fundamentals by pushing partisans into their respective corners,or, as often happens in presidential elections,reminding undecided voters of national economic conditions.Then they use logos by saying,"In Senate elections since 2004, forecasts derived from the race fundamentals — non-polling variables like incumbency and fund-raising — account for 64% of the variation in the final vote margin."To prove your statement you need to have evidence.
----I would most likely go with the authors of the article,because they are definitely right about how the congress does the voting.The way he proves on how the people are running based on charts are similar.The reason why they are getting in the senate is because they buy peoples votes not respect.Its the way the congress works these days and does not have any morals as they did back then.The finished polls are very predictable and there is no need to do the voting.

Cohn, Nate, and Josh Katz. "It’s Not Too Soon to Pay Attention to Senate Polling." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 June 2014. Web. 17 Aug. 2014.


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