Sunday, August 17, 2014

Andrea Valle

Nickle and Dimed on (Not)Getting by in America
By Barbara Ehrenich
Non-Fiction Persuasive

----She defines it very well in this book that being an English native speaker are the basic advantages people need in order to get a job. Most disadvantages such as your ethnicity and education are sometimes often ignored but what they take in consideration are the skills.Barbara Ehrenreich blended in the society and decided to write about how people live and manage the low-wage life. In order for her to blend in she had to change her way of living, that includes economically, and her vocabulary. The purpose of "Nickle and Dimed" is by how certain people manage to live the low wage life without help. If they are not "white" and don't speak "English" they are not helped and are required to in order to fit in they have to earn their way up by working hard no matter what.
----Barbara Ehrenreich has used most throughout "Nickle and Dimed" is pathos, because she uses most of her emotions of how she feels during these times.Throughout the story there was a quote that said,"Why, for example, am I supposed to leave her with my purse while she doesn't even trust me not to sprinkle some drug dissolving urine?But for all I know, any display of attitude might lead her to slant the results."She felt as if they want to know everything about you and make you doubt that you are hiding something from them.Trustworthy is that main reason jobs look in you and are willing to overestimate you with all these         tests.The drug testing is a requirement that everyone needs to do in order to be accepted in a job or             you will be neglected.After that she said,"Then there is the threat of the drug tests,hanging over me like a fast-approaching SAT.It rankles-at some  deep personal,physical level-to know that the many engaging qualities I believe I have to offer- friendliness,reliability,willingness to learn-can all be trumped by my pee."Everything they want is inside your drug test pee, so basically its an album for them to be like yeah I know who you are.
----The main thing that Barbara Ehrenreich wants us to know is that there are people who don't receive all the necessary help from the government and are managing to live on like that.For women that are single mothers it is hard to pay for all the necessities of the children and the amount of bills to pay.Then there are people who are living alone without any help from parents because they decided to leave the house and or decided to migrate somewhere else.Unlike people that have enough money to spend it the way as they please.They do not take in consideration that other people can't afford to spend as they do because money is hard to earn and hard to spend.
----Barbara Ehrenreich's audience is meant to the people who have or are planning to have a job.They have to take in consideration when they take a job because they have to manage their money wisely.Location,time and money are at stake if they want to maintain a stable life.The reason why money is the only way to make a living.People take risks by having two jobs by working full time to pay all the tons of bills and make a living.The author disguises herself as a low wage worker to adapt and learn from the people who do not receive any help at all.It also helps her understand that sometimes it may difficult to maintain a stabilized economy without having job problems.

Profiles in Courage
By John F. Kennedy
Non-Fiction Persuasive

----President John F. Kennedy wanted to demonstrated that courage is something that helps you pass through obstacles,in this case would be getting to congress.But it really takes courage if you confront those obstacles, in which he demonstrates by some of the people he mostly admires the most.The U.S. citizens are criticizing how the government works and that it is not accomplishing anything.Both of the republicans and   democrats have been objecting to each proposition that was made because they want to make each others   parties look bad to its U.S citizens.The costs of each party's choices have made its citizens mad for not being able to help.
----He uses the most of ethos as an example is,"This government had never faced so insidious a danger...If Andrew Johnson were acquitted by a nonpartisan vote...America would pass the danger point if partisan rule and that intolerance which so other characterizes the sway of great majorities and makes them dangerous."People don't want to be involved with any of the political things due to nothing is accomplished and is simply ignored,but are kept as promises.Another example is "Bear in mind we are not office workers,sitting around idling at the basal metabolic rate."It is the stereotypical way people think of the people in congress.
----The main thing John F. Kennedy wants us to know that it is not easy to be in the congress position and they took courage to stand there and make decisions for us.They took the time to "speak" for the peoples voice and for them to be heard and to be taken in consideration.Would the people go and prepare themselves to be part of the congress,no.I believe that none of them would want to be in there dealing with all of the chaotic problems and solve them. None would want to take that place because they don't have the courage.
----This book was meant for the U.S. citizens because they need to take in consideration that their job is to speak up and the congress job is to accomplish that.As a favor from the community the people have to be patient and learn that it cannot be solved right away.If the congress took courage so do they, they need the courage to believe that everything will be alright if they just simply wait.Based on the problems the congress has the people have to  support them by making good decisions in helping them as well.Courage is the key to success.


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