Sunday, August 17, 2014

Andrea Valle

Nickle and Dimed on (Not)Getting by in America
By Barbara Ehrenich
Non-Fiction Persuasive

----She defines it very well in this book that being an English native speaker are the basic advantages people need in order to get a job. Most disadvantages such as your ethnicity and education are sometimes often ignored but what they take in consideration are the skills.Barbara Ehrenreich blended in the society and decided to write about how people live and manage the low-wage life. In order for her to blend in she had to change her way of living, that includes economically, and her vocabulary. The purpose of "Nickle and Dimed" is by how certain people manage to live the low wage life without help. If they are not "white" and don't speak "English" they are not helped and are required to in order to fit in they have to earn their way up by working hard no matter what.
----Barbara Ehrenreich has used most throughout "Nickle and Dimed" is pathos, because she uses most of her emotions of how she feels during these times.Throughout the story there was a quote that said,"Why, for example, am I supposed to leave her with my purse while she doesn't even trust me not to sprinkle some drug dissolving urine?But for all I know, any display of attitude might lead her to slant the results."She felt as if they want to know everything about you and make you doubt that you are hiding something from them.Trustworthy is that main reason jobs look in you and are willing to overestimate you with all these         tests.The drug testing is a requirement that everyone needs to do in order to be accepted in a job or             you will be neglected.After that she said,"Then there is the threat of the drug tests,hanging over me like a fast-approaching SAT.It rankles-at some  deep personal,physical level-to know that the many engaging qualities I believe I have to offer- friendliness,reliability,willingness to learn-can all be trumped by my pee."Everything they want is inside your drug test pee, so basically its an album for them to be like yeah I know who you are.
----The main thing that Barbara Ehrenreich wants us to know is that there are people who don't receive all the necessary help from the government and are managing to live on like that.For women that are single mothers it is hard to pay for all the necessities of the children and the amount of bills to pay.Then there are people who are living alone without any help from parents because they decided to leave the house and or decided to migrate somewhere else.Unlike people that have enough money to spend it the way as they please.They do not take in consideration that other people can't afford to spend as they do because money is hard to earn and hard to spend.
----Barbara Ehrenreich's audience is meant to the people who have or are planning to have a job.They have to take in consideration when they take a job because they have to manage their money wisely.Location,time and money are at stake if they want to maintain a stable life.The reason why money is the only way to make a living.People take risks by having two jobs by working full time to pay all the tons of bills and make a living.The author disguises herself as a low wage worker to adapt and learn from the people who do not receive any help at all.It also helps her understand that sometimes it may difficult to maintain a stabilized economy without having job problems.

Profiles in Courage
By John F. Kennedy
Non-Fiction Persuasive

----President John F. Kennedy wanted to demonstrated that courage is something that helps you pass through obstacles,in this case would be getting to congress.But it really takes courage if you confront those obstacles, in which he demonstrates by some of the people he mostly admires the most.The U.S. citizens are criticizing how the government works and that it is not accomplishing anything.Both of the republicans and   democrats have been objecting to each proposition that was made because they want to make each others   parties look bad to its U.S citizens.The costs of each party's choices have made its citizens mad for not being able to help.
----He uses the most of ethos as an example is,"This government had never faced so insidious a danger...If Andrew Johnson were acquitted by a nonpartisan vote...America would pass the danger point if partisan rule and that intolerance which so other characterizes the sway of great majorities and makes them dangerous."People don't want to be involved with any of the political things due to nothing is accomplished and is simply ignored,but are kept as promises.Another example is "Bear in mind we are not office workers,sitting around idling at the basal metabolic rate."It is the stereotypical way people think of the people in congress.
----The main thing John F. Kennedy wants us to know that it is not easy to be in the congress position and they took courage to stand there and make decisions for us.They took the time to "speak" for the peoples voice and for them to be heard and to be taken in consideration.Would the people go and prepare themselves to be part of the congress,no.I believe that none of them would want to be in there dealing with all of the chaotic problems and solve them. None would want to take that place because they don't have the courage.
----This book was meant for the U.S. citizens because they need to take in consideration that their job is to speak up and the congress job is to accomplish that.As a favor from the community the people have to be patient and learn that it cannot be solved right away.If the congress took courage so do they, they need the courage to believe that everything will be alright if they just simply wait.Based on the problems the congress has the people have to  support them by making good decisions in helping them as well.Courage is the key to success.



Andrea Valle

-jhl          ----President Obama was in the state of Ohio talking about the healthcare plan,when suddenly a person        from the audience shouted, "We need courage!".His response was that he indeed agreed and that's the            key in which the whole country needs to take in consideration and help one another.The healthcare plan    was an obstacle for the country and its political parties.The republicans and democrats could not come      to an agreement due to its advantages and disadvantages.President Obama wanted to reassure that he          was going to make the healthcare plan at all means and to have courage because everyone is in this all          together.
----         ----In "Profiles and Courage",John F. Kennedy shares the same idea as President Obama because in their     observation both of the political parties don't seem to come to an agreement.Instead of working together   as a team the problems are not being solved and left without an answer.The U.S. citizens seem to not like     what the parties are doing and some wish to not want to be engaged in any politics.Both of these                     presidents take in consideration of how people feel as well and want for both the people and government     to be well benefited.In the end the votes of the republicans and democrats determine the final decision.       ----The article demonstrates that the speaker is President Obama and the audience are the people                   who are in need of the healthcare plan.Meanwhile,in the book the speaker is John F. Kennedy and the           audience is the U.S. citizens.Throughout the article Obama showed ethos by saying, "Did you hear what       somebody just said? That's what we need. That's why I came here today. We need courage.", the tone in       which he talked to the audience made the people feel trust. He then used pathos by saying,"It's about             about a woman who's lying on a hospital bed who just wants to be able to pay for the care she                           needs."An example in which the audience can feel touched by a case of a person that is need for this               healthcare plan that is not given out yet and is seeking for help of this program. Then he used logos by         saying, "And the truth is, what's at stake in this debate, it's not just our ability to solve this problem; it's         about our ability to solve any problem,"Obama was trying to reason with the audience that he along             with the government are willing to approve the healthcare plan.
                  ----I would take President Kennedy's side because he more than anyone shows how everyone inside             the government works.The author from article has an idea of how it works but does not have the                   sufficient evidence to prove what goes on.He does not simply base on problems with the government but   as well as its own citizens.The problem is that the people are not cooperating with any politics due to its     conflicts between the two parties.He wants the citizens to comprehend that the people in the government   have to make difficult decisions and it is not easy to be there.

  Geiger, Kim, and Michael Muskal. "Obama Calls for Action on Healthcare: 'We Need Courage'" Los           Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 16 Mar. 2010. Web. 14 Aug. 2014

   ----The Congress of the United States has been divided itself into small groups.Both of the republicans and    democrats have been objecting to each proposition that was made because they want to make each others    parties look bad to its U.S citizens.Some want to help the country become better and others want to              worsen it.The costs of each party's choices have made its citizens mad for not being able to help.Beyond      that the government has been helping at all by not putting an end to its government separation.
             ----Based on the book and article, they seem to come to an agreement of how dis-functional the                 government is and that nothing can be solved unless they stop horse playing and start to get to work like       they are supposed to do.No one seems to look at the decisions the government makes are not that easy,       there are its advantages and disadvantages.In there you don't know in who to trust because at first they         make look like your friend but they are actually there to destroy you.Its supposed to be a united                   government in which they seek to help the country to function better.A way that we look De-United States   and prove around the world that we are not united but everyone goes their own way.
            ----The article demonstrates that the speaker is the author Erin Banco and the audience is its U.S.                 citizens.Meanwhile,in the book the speaker is John F. Kennedy and the  audience is the U.S. citizens.Erin     Banco used ethos by saying,"It also argues that the divide between the parties has created an                             environment that does not allow Congress to operate in a routine manner..",It is a way to connect with its   audience to show that this is a matter of discussion that needs to be solved.He uses pathos by saying,"It       also argues that the divide between the parties has created an environment that does not allow Congress     to operate in a routine manner.."He shows in this sentence that how it is sad of how this country is not  united but divided.After that he used logos by saying,"The spending data also revealed that in the  House,the average spending for a Democratic member was about $1 million and $1.3 for a  Republican."These are facts that prove his statement as his evidence.
              ----I would join the author from the article because it is so true, the government is not as united as it was before and is always dis-functional.He then was speaking about how its a never ending problem without an ending solution.By adding then some details about how the diversity is in the congress, it may be race and even gender.It also demonstrates how some senators got the position in which they are now,some were veterans,others who got their degree in law and the last ones who got their seat with money.Based on the congress influences to this country is the way they are shaping its own citizens and its own country.
             Branco, Erin. "Report Says Congress Is More Diverse and More Divided." The Caucus Report Says Congress Is More Diverse and More Divided Comments. N.p., 9 July 2013. Web. 16 Aug. 2014.

         ----This November coming up,there is going to be elections to become part of the senate.There has been an investigation of how the electoral polls for the senate have been similar to the presidential polls and also the influence of the people.To receive some votes they have to first listen to the people in order to even win.It gets hectic in these types of situations because they are doing campaigns and trying to win votes mostly.Being part of the senate is starting to look like a race now rather than doing good to the people and its country.The polls are apparently more predictable than they were back then due to the public opinion and the movement each one of the people who are having a campaign.
          ----There is an agreement between the article and the book,because the congress is like a game for them to see who wins and who loses.But in the end, the public opinion will fight until they complete the promises they made to the U.S. citizens.Depending on the public opinion,the people can keep them inside the congress or out by their precious vote.John F. Kennedy even says it many times that being inside the congress is not that easy and it is rather tough.Sometimes the best decisions are not being made but are a step into making things better or worse.
          ----The speakers in the article is Nate Cohn and Josh Katz and the audience would be any U.S. citizen who is going to vote.In the book the speaker is John F. Kennedy and the audience are its U.S. citizens.The speakers showed ethos by saying,"We won't know how accurate polling is until after the election,so for now,the very relevant question is,How much should we care about early polls?"It creates an engagement to its own audience to listen before voting.After that they use pathos by saying,"Political scientists theorize that the campaigns draw voters toward the fundamentals by pushing partisans into their respective corners,or, as often happens in presidential elections,reminding undecided voters of national economic conditions.Then they use logos by saying,"In Senate elections since 2004, forecasts derived from the race fundamentals — non-polling variables like incumbency and fund-raising — account for 64% of the variation in the final vote margin."To prove your statement you need to have evidence.
----I would most likely go with the authors of the article,because they are definitely right about how the congress does the voting.The way he proves on how the people are running based on charts are similar.The reason why they are getting in the senate is because they buy peoples votes not respect.Its the way the congress works these days and does not have any morals as they did back then.The finished polls are very predictable and there is no need to do the voting.

Cohn, Nate, and Josh Katz. "It’s Not Too Soon to Pay Attention to Senate Polling." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 June 2014. Web. 17 Aug. 2014.


Sunday, July 20, 2014


Andrea Valle

          Part 1: 
           Ethos,Pathos,Logos #1...  
           -Page 135
          "My mind slides back to one of the "approve/disapprove" statements on the Wal-Mart survey: "There           is room in every corporation for a nonconformist." But no,no,no! The correct answer, as we will all               find out soon enough, is "totally disagree."

          "Why, for example, am I supposed to leave her with my purse while she doesn't even trust me not to             sprinkle some drug dissolving urine?But for all I know, any display of attitude might lead her to slant               the results."

          ---- Barbara Ehrenreich experience when applying for a job, is to go through all the drug tests in order          for the company to hire you, verify who you truly are and then they will start to believe in you. It is a              "test" to the future employee who is willing to do a check up before they even get the job. They check            everything you have done so they could feel "safe" and satisfied that they are not involved with                      someone who has done several incidents that has led them to go to possibly jail or arrested.                          Trustworthy is that main reason jobs look in you and are willing to overestimate you with all these                  tests.The drug testing is a requirement that everyone needs to do in order to be accepted in a job or              you will be neglected.Barbara Ehrenreich used "pathos" the most because of how she feels when                  applying for a job drug testing needs to be done.She feels as if they want to know everything about                you and make you doubt that you are hiding something from them.The one she used the least is                      "logic",because she doesn't use case studies to support her statements of how the necessity of doing              drug testing is necessary to do when applying for a job and or how people feel when they do these                certain types of tests.She probably wanted to avoid using "logic" because most of it take opinions not            facts.Facts are simply true statements and opinions are just reasons.

        Part 2:

        Ethos,Pathos,Logos #2...
        -Page 84
        "10) In Home Comforts:The Art and Science of Keeping House (Scribner,1999),Cheryl Mendelson         writes,"Never ask hired house cleaners to clean your floors on their hands and knees;the request is               likely to be regarded as degrading"(p.501)"

       "So here I am on my knees,working my way around the room like some fanatical penitent crawling                through the stations of the cross,when I realize that Mrs.W. is starting at me fixedly-so fixedly that I am          gripped for a moment by the wild possibility that I may have once given a lecture at her alma mater..."

       ----Barbara Ehrenreich job as a maid was tough on her, because on how all the work she had to put in          cleaning.Once she got in the job, the first thing she had to do was to forget all of her cleaning lesson              tactics because it was what was most hated.She was instructed to look at some videos to demonstrate          her "how" to do cleaning.The supplies that she was going to work with were going to be managed by            using small proportions of water and to clean only what was visible(unclean parts) to the                                customer.Barbara Ehrenreich used "ethos" the most because she is saying her own version of story of            how it is humiliating to do housecleaning on your bare knees.The necessity of placing yourself in those            positions is not pleasing and is painful but mostly humiliating.The one she used the least is "logic", even           though she used evidence, it was just a small part.What was most contributed was the use of telling a             story of what happened and how she felt about it.The matter of using opinions is just uncountable but             facts are what tell the matter of truth.

     Part 3:

     Ethos,Pathos,Logos #3...
     -Page 45
     "7) In 1996 the number of persons holding two or more jobs averaged 7.8 million,or 62 percent of the          workforce.It was about the same rate for men and for women(6.1 versus 6.2).About two-thirds of                multiple jobholders work one job full-time and the other part time.Only a heroic minority-4 percent of            men and 2 percent of women-work two full time jobs simultaneously(John F. Stinson Jr. "New Data on         Multiple Job holding Available from the CPS,"Monthly Labor Review,March 1997)

     "When I request permission to leave at about 3:30,another housekeeper warns me that no one has so far      succeeded in combining housekeeping with serving at Jerry's:"Some kid did it once for five days, and            you're no kid."

    ----Barbara Ehrenreich made the decision of working two shifts altogether, but didn't realize that it was         going to be painful and stressing.She was going to go from Hearthside to Jerry's and that means changing       from clothes to clothes. All the pain she was going to feel form all that handwork was going to kill her but       had to manage it with some Advil's.She explains by using "logos" that through the research it is said how         there is a certain percentage for both genders working two jobs.They either choose to have to full-time         jobs or a full-time job and a part time job. According to the research the gender which has two jobs are      women.Some reasons pop up in mind such as if they are single mothers,divorced or just alone.To maintain    themselves or maybe others the necessity of money is mostly needed in order to move on.She used all of      the ethos,pathos and logos, because she explained how it is tiring to have two jobs and provided as well        evidence of how both genders work two jobs.She used all of them because she feels the same way as the      rest of the people who have to jobs due to it is not an easy task to do and it is a way to earn some money.

   Part 4:

   Ethos,Pathos,Logos #4...
  -Page 127
  "Equally draining is the effort to look both perky and complaint at the same time,for half an hour or more at   a stretch,because while you need to evince "initiative,"you don't want to come across as someone who           might initiate something like a union organizing drive."

 "Then there is the threat of the drug tests,hanging over me like a fast-approaching SAT.It rankles-at some  deep personal,physical level-to know that the many engaging qualities I believe I have to offer -  friendliness,reliability,willingness to learn-can all be trumped by my pee."

----Barbara Ehrenreich was at a test during her first job and the first impression she was going to portray to her manager and to prove that she was a good option.No matter what you do everything has to be perfect or your image will be ruined and trust is gone.Nervousness is all that she has but has to hide it because every movement is being looked at.Effort is what they are looking in you, the effort to work hard, the effort to do what you are told to do without saying no and the effort of making the manager and the business to look good.Getting along with the ones you work are bonus points for you because no one will try to get you fired or in some trouble.Through the drug test you were passed and gotten a chance to get the job.But,as well it could be against you because they can possibly find something out of no where.She used mostly "pathos" of how her story may be similar to others first job experience.It is a connection to the audience that tells like yeah I have had that same similar experience, but mine was worse...It is that feeling that some people get on the first day and for them it is a test that they need to pass the first day or they fail.The one she used the least was "logos" because she did not use facts but opinions.Opinions are just responses unlike facts demonstrate the truth.

Part 5:

Ethos,Pathos,Logos #5...
-Page 130-131
"Who,in real life,plops herself down in a totally strange environment-without housing,family connections,or job-and attempts to become a viable resident?Well,it turns out that my friend's aunt did exactly that in the early nineties..."

"I explain my mission in Minneapolis,although it turns out her niece has already briefed her,and ask her to tell me about her move to Florida ten years ago."

----Barbara Ehrenreich settlements were not always easy but hard because she had no acknowledgement of the place she was staying at.She even says that without a connection of a family member or friends its hard to even move around.Everything is new and you want to fit it but there is no one to help you in.As well,she gives an example of how her aunt's friend did the same thing and it wasn't easy.The project she is planning to achieve can also interfere with this, because at the same time she  doesn't want to reveal her identity and be caught.Risks are terrible and can be sort of dangerous.Limitations to her personal life can't interfere and have to be reserved  to herself.Barbara Ehrenreich used the most "ethos" to explain to the audience that feeling where you go somewhere knew, you feel that you don't fit in and need help to even move around.Without the help from someone you know everything is fine but if you are flying solo you are particularly doomed.The one she used the least was "logos" because truth speaks the facts and opinions don't have statements to prove everything right and exact.

Part 6:

Ethos,Pathos,Logos #6
-Page 210
"If you are constantly reminded of your lowly position in the social hierarchy,whether by individual managers or by a plethora of impersonal rules,you begin to accept that unfortunate status."

"...forced into a subordinate status withing their social systems adapt their brain chemistry accordingly,becoming "depressed" in human-like ways."

----Barbara Ehrenreich focused on how employees were seen by the people from above,managers and customers as low class.They were there to be demanded orders and to do them as they were told,because that's what they were there for,to serve the people.The employees had to accept what they were,the lowest class,because they are there to serve.The reason why was because that's what they applied for, to work and get paid to follow orders.In the second quote it proves that as employees accept their status in their job they get in some sort of depression due to how they are treated at work.The one she used the least was "logos" to demonstrate the cases of people of how employees get depressed by how they are treated.She used ethos and pathos to demonstrate the case in which she went through to demonstrate a connection with employees.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rhetoric and Rhetorical Triangle Terms

Andrea Valle


     Part 1:
        Throughout the years the word "rhetoric" has been used and interpreted in many ways such as...
        Persuasion is the central message of the word "rhetoric" and ability,manipulation and identity are the            components. It's an ability to be able to persuade, to get what you want you have to manipulate by                 persuading and to identify yourself by persuading others how you are different from them. In everyday life you can see persuasion such as politicians, lawyers, movies, ads, conversations etc.

        The Rhetorical Triangle is a concept in which the Greek philosopher, Aristotle portrayed as a relationship between three points, the subject, audience and speaker.
         He made up this Rhetorical Triangle to help the speaker how to make a speech.The speaker will determine how to make his/her statement by providing evidence, which is the subject.After that the speaker will present his statement to an audience in which they are able to believe or accept the information.

      Part 2:
          In the book "Nickle and Dimed" the literary term "rhetoric" fits in by how Barbara Ehrenreich,the speaker,she persuaded the audience by how she involved herself in the low-wage society and experienced all the hard work efforts.She observed how the people who applied at jobs were unsatisfied with how they were treated and how they were battling economically.Throughout the book they had some bullet points on the bottom and explained some evidence of how jobs were back then.It demonstrated to the people who are applying or are planning to, to keep in mind how to choose wisely.

Monday, July 14, 2014

"Nickle and Dimed" By Barbara Ehrenreich

Andrea Valle

     The first part of "Nickle and Dimed" , Barbara Ehrenreich, a writer, is playing the role as a white and native English speaker. She defines it very well in this book that these are the types of basic advantages people need in order to get a job. Most disadvantages such as your ethnicity and education are sometimes often ignored but what they take in consideration are the skills. Barbara Ehrenreich blended in the society and decided to write about how people live and manage the low-wage life. In order for her to blend in she had to change her way of living, that includes economically, and her vocabulary. Her first destination was Florida, there she had to start from the bottom and beginning to apply for jobs. Barbara had to keep in mind that the money she was willing to spend and to be kept in balance and had to keep options open or closed. The location where she was going to live had to be based on the money because she was not willing to over exceed of what was in her normal budget. As for starters she looked for jobs in the newspaper and was thinking which would be the best choice to make. In the past some of her job experiences were defining her choices due to the hard work that left her in pain. Filling out job applications was the next step and then there were the interviews which consisted of drug testing and lots of question of what would you do if...Barbara Ehrenreich got her first two jobs at "Hearthside" and "Jerry's", her rules were to prevent anyone from knowing her true identity and to not to get attached to anyone.Her job consisted of staying in discipline and following all orders. She got to know lots of people of all ethnicity and what was their story in staying in the job their at. The jobs at "Hearthside" and "Jerry's" had a low pay and the managers were unfair and mean. It wasn't easy for her to have two jobs because of time, she had to change clothing and limiting herself from getting into any trouble. She observed that many were happy and frustrated with the job they had because the pay wasn't enough, or they just needed money to at least make a living.

     The authors purpose in "Nickle and Dimed" was how certain people manage to live the low wage life without help. If they are not "white" and don't speak "English" they are not helped and are required to in order to fit in they have to earn their way up by working hard no matter what.